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,Thanks for your replies both pro's and cons. I must say I was stunned as the ED told me I'd reported 900 posts in just 1 week! I dont think I would have had the time to sit and report that amount so...
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Antigrav has gone... ??
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China Doll
I'm just bored now. China xx
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Are you back from your hols yet Ed? If not, Dear Co Worker would you like to give the "Chatters" a place of their own hence making space for the genuine posters? Kay.
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i sometimes get a tingly sensation on one side of my face - almost as if i have singed all the hairs on it (I know this, 'cus i did, once!) It feels very tender to touch and an almost toothor jaw ache...
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My partners family are all tall, but his son is towering above them all, according to my partners ex wife he has mafrans disease. He can also be very clumsy and sometimes doesnt seem to think what he...
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When does a blog cease to be a blog and become an occasional announcement? Answers on a p/card to ABEd, c/o the beach somewhere
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I'm new here (winces at though of barrage of abuse from long-termers) and was wondering ... is it good etiquette to thank someone on here for posting a good answer, or just accept the fact they...
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For goodness' sake - please show on the registration page that new ABers' names will be greeeeeeeeeeeen for 2 weeks!! PLEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE - I am losin the will to live..... AND encourage...
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where has it gone?
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Is it practical to introduce a quota of say 5 or 10 questions in a day? Justified under the principal of fair usage Mentioning no names you know who I mean!
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I recently came across some powdered water but i have no idea what to add....any suggestions?
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cant seem to find the tell tale pink anywhere these days...
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If a friend of yours had a truly hideous baby would you say it was beautiful? Obvioulsy I would never tell a friend of mine her baby was hideous but I would not say it was beautiful if it was infact...
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whats the best quote you have ever heard?
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My daughter has just got hers and she cant see as well as she can in her old ones! they will be going back ... just wondered if anyone had had any problems with theirs thanks, trish
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how many sexual partners have you had (including one night stands)
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Please don't laugh at me when first of all I say I'm 25 and live with my parents, or at the moment, my mum. My father is currently receiving palliative care in a nursing home for a terminal brain...
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If someone really 'p*sses you off' do you confront them or secretely seethe?

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