BARENDER(shouldnt that b BARTENDER?) Anyroads pal CHEERS for helping me out Im off down to the post office now L8RS And as 4 u BIGMAC Id rather have a spicy bean-burger from burger king.HaHaHa
Can anyone help me with the last two clues please? Making your mind up (5,4) Bills drunk on a bridge (7) Both are from the Birds, bangers and Booze quiz. Thanks to anyone who can offer a hint/help.
37 across. british poet laureate who suceeded sir lohn betjeman in 1984 (3,6) 9 down. slender balconied tower attached to a mosque. (7) 17 across. pointed surgical knife with two sharp edges. (6)...
I have 4 left and I am making heavy weather of it. 8 & 17a Araucaria's life force Bank: secure and electronic (7,4) ?h?l?a? p??? 10a Appliance of mechanics principally associated with Brummie -...
Can anyone help me with Times Jumbo 635? (yes, I always do them a week late so that I don't have to wait for the paperboy on a Saturday morning) Fenland bank staff act badly R?D?A?
they separate the good from the bad Enigmatist and his ilk (8) . _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ Maybe Bunthorne's in musical entertainment as an Irish Saint? (5) B - I - E Something vulgarly dull after Quantam, not...