Stuck on a few today. Any help greatly appreciated. x 3d Current amount of drink? ?r???h? 5d Mann, say, not even insulted ?s?? 6d Slow worker has no place for more rum ????? 11a Shu Fiat? Write to...
25a Woman engages lad for building work (7) -A-O-R-
3d Nosh swallowed by good French cookery writer (6) -E-T-N
6d Stray animal originally taken in by fixer (7) -E---E-...
Cant get into the bottom left corner to finish. Any help appreciated. 23a Italy`s smooth source of elixir consumed by TT --it`ll raise spirits D?S?I????? 18d Great number wanting starter with full...
1a Evil doctor returns in time storm (7) c-c-o-e
I assume this is cyclone but how do you get it?
5a Maybe Virginia unreasonably restricts key bill (7)...
8a (6) ???r?? Dolly has heart turned by regular customer 23a (8) i???r??? when school is opened football team's back to get together 24a (8) ?o???a?e cheat friend holding in to keep in control 20d (6)...