A bit stuck this morning in the top right. Is 5ac 'Skylight'? (Ray's come from plane (8)) If it is, that means I've got 6 down wrong, which I thought was 'Airdrop' (Dot, after display, landing by...
Am not happy with bottom left hand corner 64 ac skirt? 70ac ontario ? 64d stopper? 65d tornado ? If above are correct then what are 71d and 76 and 79 ac (my last three)
8a Bug plant one with deep stirrings ---l----- 12a Manager is camp? Outrageous systematic defamation ---a- ----a--- 3d TV drama, in late June, heard by butchers -------r -u---r- 9d Film mysteriously...
I am nearly always too hot at night with a 4.5 tog duvet, except when temperatures go below freezing. Has anybody tried "Climarelle" bedding and if so does it work?