33a town in southern uganda on north shore of lake victoria E---BB- 32d stiff hollow spine of a porcupine of hedgehog N-I-L 30d Characterised by deep or forceful feelings I---N-E Thanks in advance.
6d Flattened appendage on underside of some fish used mainly for balance and steering 7,5 v-n-r-l -i- I am assuming fin is second word but what do I know!!??
4d: In The Bible, according to The First Book of Samuel, Chapter 4, the son of Phinehas and grandson of Eli. (7): I _ _ A _ O _ 6d: To send money as payment for goods by post. (5): U _ _ _ T. 25d:...
The body of legal code, largely set down during the reign of the emperor Justinian from AD 527, that forms the basis of the modern legal systems of many countries