can't believe it jolie's still here and on about stopping the night again!!!............she won't take the hint..........ok one more night then she's out
Does anyone else agree that her 'Crazy Chick' is just about the worse thing that has been released in recent years - a cross between karaoke and Eurovision's rejects. What with that and...
Does anyone else have this problem? I'm sitting with my bf and our mate and they are playing on the xbox. Why do they feel the need to tell me everything that is going on in their rubbish game? They...
I think we should all spend a moment to think about our dear friend the>one.. who recently made his transition from being a catterpillar (the>one) into a butterfly (the>one). Although I think...
Who would you choose to play you in a film based on your life? Granted, my film would be deathly boring, but I'd still want Scarlet Johannson in the lead role (she looks just like me, she does. Only...
Why is it that when a woman is on her last legs with a stinking cold, shes asked 'aw bless, have you got the sniffles?' yet as soon as a man sneezes once he's suddenly got man flu?
I am so sorry to ask this, but enough is enough, Has BOOBESQUE got big boobs? Please understand this is a purely academic question, i am keen to see why people pick their user names, my son christened...
Is Pixi lazy? The other day she was down stairs staighening her hair, and I was upstairs messing around with black sellotape, I hear her calling me from the living room so I go see what see wants, and...
whats your fav song from 60's,70's 80's 90's and 00's mine are: 60's - Light My Fire - The Doors 70's - Jeepster- T Rex 80's Tainted Love - Soft Cell 90's Bitter Sweet Symphony -The Verve 00's...