Right I will ban any answers that are from ABers trying to start some big debate! I would like to call a truce. Can we all agree to get along and stop moaning at eachother. No regulars moaning at...
It seems time to move out of CB, like I said on my suggestions thread:- Here the newbies seem to have taken over, sadly to AB's demise, or perhaps it's just time to throw the towel in and...
Go on google and search yourself, see if there is 'another you' anywhere in the world, me and my lad did it, it's good fun. It doesnt matter if you find out your other self is a cleaner in...
I turned 21 on the 24th July. I am officially an adult (?!?!?!) and as a lot of room was taken up in my other birthday post I though I might post another .. why the h*ll not! Who is to stop me? I am...
You can make 2 phone calls to anyone past or present, one nice, one not so nice who would you phone and what would you say? For my nice call I would phone John Lennon and say 'Stay in bed today...
I need to listen to the song from 'The Tom and Jerry Movie' its called 'Friends to the end' and its done by Henry Mancini. But I can't seem to get it anywhere or download it. Please does anyone have...
Do you know anyone famous? Went to school with them or you're friends with them now? I don't mean someone who had their picture in the local paper! For instance, there must someone out there who...
Just to let you all know that twiggers is poorly, bless him and you know what that means girls, hes twice as bad as what any of us would have it!!!! seriously tho hes been really sick tonight,...
I've lost the question now but here is the convo. I put it on my website for you all to read. view it here: http://www.freewebs.com/chixalub/abconvo.htm
" I really don't think I can get through, your ingnorance is breath taking, me trying to explain further would be like trying to explain the off side rule to a woman! " YOUR...
Hi all ! I'm back after a 2 week break and Chatterbank seems to have completely changed ! It's good to see some new faces, but i'm not too sure where all the regulars have disappeared to. Surely its...
I was just thinking (dont know why) if I was ever in the positon where I had to meet a member of the royal family (and couldnt get out of it) I wouldnt curtsey, would this upset people?
Does anyone know anyone who has a really exciting job? Seems that everyone I know works in an office or in retail or in a factory! (I'm not saying these jobs are rubbish) I was just wondering about...
I have just read what you wrote in my Birthday post. Many many thanks and very funny. I thought it was just me but I am glad others are blaming someone else. Now my question has been banned but I was...