The volume control (speaker) icon has disappeared from my taskbar. How can it be restored? Also, in which folder on the PC can the volume control be found? Thanks.
All answers are wintry things. (eg wet beloved = reindeer)
1.Thick oozy slime 2.Never the right kind 3.Not only done in the hairdressers 4.Come in number one...
Thrusters leap at baseball teams (10) seems to be 'JET ENGINES' Veil spirit of Pharaoh perhaps stopping in the same place (5) seems to be 'NIKAH' but the wordplay escapes me completely....
Catty about gutless ecology type (5) two words and answer probably has 'ant' removed. Letters are ?eyin I also cannot verify some answers in Chambers eg 'medicant' and 'randall' Any help would be much...
45d Object here won't be subject, as the saying goes - except at 18 (the answer to which I don't have) (3,3 e?t/?o?. The clue to 18a is Dangerous beasts - hard to believe food can be bought here...