A friend is visiting me in London (we're both from the States) and he is staying just off Trafalgar Square. At about 07.00 on a Sunday, with not one car in sight, he crossed the street...
Any ideas what (romantic) present I can get for my wife for our second aniversary - one with a cotton theme. I want something a bit romantic as opposed to a cotton teacloth.....(but she might get one...
A friend in the States saw something on the Travel Channel about underground caves and catacombs in and around London. Does anyone know of these and if you can tour them? I did a catacomb...
One of my favourite books is called "And to my nephew Albert, I leave the Island what I won off Fatty Hagan in a poker game.." Has anyone read it? It's very funny. Does anyone else know any other...
What is the music that features on the ad currenTLY showing on Channel 4, advertising the launch of the new channel "more4" (C4's adult ent channel). The ad shows clips featuring...