l have come across a clue that has me baffled,having checked numerous sites for the answer Stonehenge Structure, (>A>>>>>>N)there are many words used for the structure but alas...
Can anyone please help, l am stuck for two answers 141a fault finder (>E>R>C>AB)45d big-game shooting platform (>>CHAN), would be grateful for any help, thanks in advance
Can anybody help me with the last few clues l need to complete the above comp, Umpires Call (FA>IT),Central Musical Note (>IDD>EC),would be very grateful for help.
I have just two clues to solve to finish the above comp, 222d Suitably (E>T>Y)and 233a Entral (TA>I>L),could anyone please help me with this, would be very grateful,many thanks
Can anyone please help me, l have one to answer ,clue, Military hardware (AR>A>E>PS),would be grateful for help, and yes they are the correct letters,have double checked the answer that...
I am left with just one answer now to find,having bother because when l put question in the info l get is not at all helpful, the question is Ballroom favourite,The Pride of (E>>N),can anyone...
Hello out there,good to be back,but really not so as l have three questions that l need to have answered, on ,and as usual l have answers in my head but they do not seem to fit, here goes, 100a...
Hello out there its that stinker again, l am left with one anser to find and keep coming up with the same word -gurnsey-and l have double checked all the words that link with it, the cluse is Heavy...
Hi out there, can anyone please help, have been working on this grid for a few weeks and my poor brain is not in meltdown,have been left with several questions l just cannot find out about,and have...
Can anybody please help with the last question on the grid,213d avoided decision (H>E>ED), l have come up with several answers but none of them really fit the clue,would be very grateful in...
HappyNewYear to all out there, can anybody please help,l have six questions l am having problems solving 117d Gad-about (S>>N),124a Bark (>>A>)143dComplementary medicine daisy...
Firstly may l say a Very Happy New Year to those whom l have had contact with during 2008 on this site,a BIG thank you. But l have found out what a Billabond Monster is BUNYIP
Can anybody please help me with a few questions,which l hope are the final ones in this quiz, 48d Forced along unwillingly (F>O>M>R>H>D)136a Legal prohibition (EN>O>N>E>)and...
l am left with six questions on the above and would like some assistance if possible, 120d Unimportant (SMA>L>>MI)91a nibbles (>O>ES)94a standing clearance (H>A>R>OL)95a...
l am looking for advice and help, the questions 15a recreated atmosphere(RE>A>T>R>D) and l have come up with two answers and would like help as to which one is most suitable ,my words are,...
After a lot of searching and mind bending l find l am left with three questions that l do not have the proper answers for,although l do have a few ideas in my head but they do not seemright so l would...
Would be thankful if anybody can help me with a few answers,where l have several words but they do not seem to fit somehow, 262d Ancient manuscript's tome (PO>E>)and 292a Cube...