Hello out there, can anybody please help me with the three questions l need to complete.cashwords. No9d Extract -information- (G>E>T) 98a Championship fight (T>G>E), 155d Ambles...
Can anyone please help me with a few answers l need for this quiz, 40d Finback whale (R>F>S>L) 10d Mythical seal/human (SELK>E) and 77a Not binding (>O>D),would be very grateful for...
Hello out there, can anyone please help me with the last few questions l havefor this comp,16d Sumo wrestling tournament (B>SHO)78a Pebble mix (R>A>>L)179aMystic verse (>E>TA),...
Gday to everyone out there, l have decided that the demon l am trying to complete is a demon of all demons and l am baffled on several questions,could anyone please help,l would be so thankful in...
l have a few questions that l am at a loss to find the answer,nothing seems to fit, l do have one or two words for some but need other peoples input,so wouldbe very grateful for any help, 44a Papal...
Hello out there,its that time again where l have reached a point in the comps that have exhausted all clues and need help. It is a question that has been asked MASSENET OPERA (T>AIS), CAN ANYONE...
Hello out there,could anyone please help me,l have two questions l need answers for 86a Overrun (END>ST) and 94a Atrociously (R>R>I>LY),would be grateful in advance.
Can anyone help me with this teaser, the clue is Flight Seating Category two words eight and five, my letters l have are (>>S>then either c or n>S>C>A>>)hope this is...
Would appreciate help in answering the last five questions in the above quiz: 36d- Couch Potato (S>>T) 45a Detected (>O>CTED) 46d Furrowed (>>>R>G>TED)100a Enrolled...
Hello out there.Can anyone please help l am trying to find answers to a couple of questions,29a Tyrolean skirt (DI>N>Y),also and l know this is one l should know but my word does not match with...
l just have two left to find,one l have an answer but not sure if it is correct, but here goes. 72a Piano Duetd upperhand (P>I>D) 244a Embryonic (NAS>I>T) Would be grateful for any...
Can anybody please help me, l have a couple of questions that are flooring me The meaning for a MODERN MALE, the letters l have are SN>G.and if the word joining it downwards is correct (large...
Can anybody please help me with this question, the clue is -Visual affliction- the answer is in two words and the letters that l have are (>o>o>r >l>n>),would be very grateful for...
Hello everyone out there, l just have one to do on this grid,can anyone help me please, 134d Aim at (>I>G>T)would be very grateful for any help,thank you
Good morning out there, can anyone please help with a couple of questions Man/goat (>>UN) Avatar of Vishnu (RO>A),would be grateful for any help, many thanks
Can anyone please help me with a few questions 321a Coin shaped souvenier (M>H>L>I>N) 271a Soupcon (MO>I>UN) 195d Nutty Gelato (C>S>ATA),would be grateful for any help, thank...
cAN ANYONE PLEASE HELP, STUCK ON TWO QUEStIONS. 10a Excited (T>R>>>>A>) and 6d Ration (>C>>>)the 4th letter of this answer is the5th letter of the previous clue, would be...