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should get a life and get off her high horse. It is perfectly normal to watch porn both men and women do it you just have a confidence problem or are just a stuck up toffee nosed old cow....
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What's happened to the girls? I know Carrie left to have a baby at the beginning of the year, to be replaced by TIna. But what happened to Rachel - the one with the posh Brummie accent (if such a...
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A bull jumped over the stadium rail and into the crowd of spectators who presumably were about to watch a bull fight in Spain, it just jumped over rail after rail over the crowd, unbelievable!!!!
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so why is your lap called your lap?
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Don't forget Corrie is on tonight at 8.30 P.M.
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This may sound a bit odd... A few people have said to me that green is an unlucky colour for a car. Has anyone else heard this, or does anyone know what colour is thought to be lucky for a car...
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has decided to not want to turn on, it has been getting more and more harder to turn it on just lately and now it just wont budge. Any ideas folks? Thanks...
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Do any of you DIY's of a certain age remember when an electric drill was a luxury and tungsten tipped drills were very expensive there used to be a "Rawltool" that was used to make holes in...
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we'd like to holiday 2nd week in February and would like a fairly hot Mediterranean holiday. Can anyone recommend anywhere nice?x
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My dog totally hates being washed. I thought she would be used to it be now. Why doesn't she get used to it?

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