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Looks like the whole world is jumping on the bandwagon, what with the Pakistanis that were sent back recently and now this lot. The survivors, from...
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Following my question here… …. anyone interested might like to watch this documentary at 10pm on Channel 4 tonight....
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why do they need suicide bombers? Surely, if God is so against us infidels he is capable of extinguishing us himself?...
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Thanks for agreeing to join my thread, Andy. I'm going to present the most obvious argument for the dangers inherent in Islam first. But it's not my main argument. That would exist independent of any...
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Do muslims share the christian belief that the earth is only 6000 yrs old and that dinosauars walked alongside man? Do they accept evolution? Or is there a difference of opinion in the islamic faith?...
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I can understand homosexuality, I can understand trans-gender, but I simply cannot understand why heterosexual men indulge in cross-dressing. Any thoughts that may enlighten me will be welcome.
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I am in the process of starting a blog that focuses on current issues around the globe. In particular, I want to address the things that many people either don't understand or have misconceptions...
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I have always thought the meaning of atheism to be a lack of belief in the existence of a god that created all that is. Since joining the R & S 'club' a couple of years ago, it has become apparent...
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I've been asked this question . What do you think ?
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here's a question to the religious, what do you think of of other religions do you think muhammed was a prophet and the koran is the word of god. do you think Joseph Smith of the mormons was a prohet....
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which religious statment am I banned for 1) christians believe that a corpse rose from the dead? 2) muslims kill unbelievers 3) Buddhists believe in reincarnation 4) Jews obey the 10 commandments....
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27 years on and the bounty is raised. What would Mr Rushdie make of this news?
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A question primarily addressed to you, Ichkeria. By the way, I use the term "threat" in its broadest meaning, not in the limited sense of physical harm. I believe that the incidence of rape and the...
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Spent an evening with a few friends tonight....a few drinks, (quiet a few actually) pleasant company etc. Dont know why but somehow conversation invariably turns to philosophy, religion, meaning of...
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I have just read this statement on another post: "... slavery was eradicated in Muslim world long (centuries) before Europe even thought about it. ". There are a number of well-informed people on AB....
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I did actually read it all. Nearly 1,000 pages. I found the text extremely repetitive. 100s of mentions of “chastisement” for sinners, and many of “paradise gardens”. There were frequent...
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…and raising a glass to absent friends who are sorely missed on these pages. Among others, Chakka35 who died last year, and Wiz. Cheers everyone! Clink! :o)...
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Hi There I saw a post on facebook that said Muslims and Christians do not worship the same God. And I copied it on to my wall. Anyway one of my really pc friends said that is not true and it is hate...
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it doesnt make sense to me. why would israel be fighting against assad and bombing assad forces for isis to over run assad. mi5/cia/mosad, france and nato etc etc on the side of isis. then isis...

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