10A) Harbingers, signs (5) O _ _ _ S 17A) Iciest, chilliest (7) _ _ _ D _ S _ 26A) Also-rans, flops (6) _ _ S _ R _ 20D) Powerless, incapable (6) U _ _ _ _ _ Thanks a million guys, much appreciated!...
20A) Person from Zagreb, say (5) SLOVE?
39A) French impressionist associated with pictures of dancers (5) DEGAS?
34D) One of the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean Sea (5) A _ U _ A
Thanks a lot!...
32A) Area of Cardiff mentioned in Ian Dury's Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick (5,3) _ E _ E _ / B _ Y 11D) New Testament leader responsible for the Massacre of the Innocents (5) _ E _ O _ Many Thanks!...
39A) Arthur - - -, English composer who served in the First World War (5) _ L _ S _
2D) Indigenous people of the Canadian Arctic (5) I _ U _ T
Much obliged!...
12A) Sea monster in Greek mythology (5) C _ T _ S 14A) - - - longue, an upholstered sofa with a back and a single arm rest (6) C _ A _ S _ 40A) One of the three dimensions of an object (6) L _ N _ T _...
2D) Surname of musician Mike and fashion designer Bruce (8) O _ D _ I _ L _
3D) - - - gas, a Bose, Fermi or Maxwell-Boltzmann gas (5) I _ E _ L
Thanks a lot!...
13A) Device to convert DC into radio frequency AC (7,3) _ O _ O _ E _ / _ _ C 37A) Army officer acting as an assistant to a more senior officer (8) _ D _ U _ A _ T 11D) In poetry, a foot of two...
17A) Make louder (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ 2D) Evaded work (6) _ K _ B E D 5D) As tied by sailors (5) _ A _ T _ 9D) Police concerned with national security (7,6) N _ E _ I _ _ / _ R _ _ _ H 16D) Yesterday - if...
22A) In fencing, a sharp, pointed sword used for thrusting (6) R _ P _ E _ 7D) Cotton fabric with a name derived from its Chinese place of origin (7) U _ N _ A _ N 21D) Doppelganger in folklore...
38A) Furry character in Gremlins who spawns the titular monsters (5) G _ _ _ O
35D) Buzzing musical instrument made of a tube and membranous diaphragm (5) K _ _ _ O
Thanks a lot!...
29A) - - - Hill, fashionable London district (8) _ _ I _ _ _ S _ 37A) Describing the civilisation of an ancient state in North Italy (8) _ T _ U _ C _ N 30D) Unit of the dosage of X-ray or gamma...
33A) Red, berry-like fruit of a perennial flowering plant, used in syrup (7) R _ S _ H _ P
39A) A shade of deep blue close to purple (5) AZURE?
4A) Jeff Bridges movie with the same name as a David Bowie single (7) _ _ _ R _ A _ 17A) Wheel-less vehicle in which one is carried seated (5,5) _ _ D _ N / _ H _ I _ 5D) Former province of...