... (pace Retrocop 😉) 'The fact that our police do not police crime is not my [Douglas Murray, The Spectator] view. It is a fact. Recent figures have shown that they currently fail to solve 90 per... ...
....or indeed anywhwere? Recently, the director of the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge opined that English landscapes—fields, trees, cows, etc.—could arouse dark nationalistic feelings in those... ...
Well, there really isn't any comparison with our lack lustre policy-less leaders of both major parties is there ? 'WhereasTrump’s second-term plans are no mystery. They’re all laid out in a... ...
A headline in the Telegraph today states; 'Putin’s transformation into the new Stalin is now complete' After the sham election, a pretty fair assessment, would you not say?
SYNAGOGUE Ottomar Scholem and Abraham Loweren In green felt hats this Shabbat morning Are walking to the synagogue along the bank of the Rhine Past little hills where grapes are reddening They are... ...
'In the Middle East, US President Joe Biden is urging Israel’s surrender to the terrorist Hamas organisation via a ceasefire. In Eastern Europe, Pope Francis is urging Ukraine to surrender to the... ...
I just googled a question about crispbread/Ryvita & was surprised to see an entry from AB, 2012; https://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Food-and-Drink/Question1114568-2.html Which alarms me to think that... ...
Last week, the classification of the fim Mary poppins was changed from U to PG because the eccentric character Admiral Boom twice uses the word Hottentot. Do you feel safer now?
......but what an astonishing photo! I wonder what lens and what speed? and it must have been taken from a very long distance. You can see the stitches in the ball & count his... ...
Just been watching 'Fargo' (again after a long break) - surely one of the best series ever. In season one, two FBI agents puzzle over how a man can safely ferry across the river a fox a rabbit... ...
Hooligans have moved it onto the riverbank close to my house !! - actually I'm delighted & just taken this picture. Not seen anything like it all the time we've lived here, I think it's due to the... ...
How far is this going to go, and how long before something is done? https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1870998/reform-uk-rochdale-by-election-dfimon-danczuk ...