People put them in little hutches and ignore them for 99% of the time it seems. They give them food and water, but the poor creatures just sit there in all temperatures confined in a tiny space, if a...
Has anyone noticed this when they are going through the most wanted? Just a thought. Conclusion is less immigration would mean less crime. No doubt I will be shouted down by all those with their heads...
Tricky question to ask I suppose as some pillock is bound to assume that you are racially biased in some way, which I assure you that I am not, but my wife was watching the TV the other night when I... When most 82 year olds, would not have a clue on how to cheat the benefits, here we have an 82 year old who was the ring leader of a migrant family of...
Reporting on todays events, Alan Tyers states in The Telegraph "There have been accusations of ball-tampering in the past, but this sort of sneaky pitch swapping - which may have been carried out...
Is cycling a good way of losing weight if combined with a proper low fat. low cal or low carb diet ? Any idea what i should be looking to cycle per day/week. Im 21 stone and need to shift at least 6...
Did you know that every time you visit a site, you are unknowingly sharing some piece of your personal information? Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) keeps logs of your day-to-day online visits....
When the time comes for me to make the transition from this life to the next I shall probably be alone and, despite my bluster here, quite frightened. I take solace from the thought that there is a...
A friend had a lens replacement in the UK (Bristol) last year and was told prior to it, that the chances of it going wrong were "A thousand to one. Well, it went wrong, and he is now blind in one...
Having enjoyed the recent Sherlock series, I read that the writer (Mr Moffat) had said that we had all missed the vital clue as to how the erudite sleuth had survived his fall. Does anyone have the...