I personally don't believe that it is possible to time travel to the past. However if it ever does become possible to do so then surely any effects cause by such time travel have lead us to this...
Is it possible to recharge ordinary batteries in a battery charger? What is the difference between an ordinary battery and a 'Reachargeable' one please?
Though I have seen U.K. motorway signs that read 'Exit 15, 2 1/3 miles' (which must cause puzzlement to foreign visitors), overall and since decimalization of the pound, we seem to abandon more and...
Hi Everyone, On the home page of yahoo today there is an interesting clip showing what seems to be a lady using a mobile phone on the 1928 film 'The Circus' by Charlie Chaplin. I have the DVD and...
I am going to try and write a short crime novel and i have a first line i think may entice the browser to read on. The line is "I was down the wrong end of the bath when I felt a cold tap on my...
.....to be a subjective thing ? What is the definition of art ? - Do you consider the following to be art ? -an unmade bed - a pile of sand in the middle of a room . Would it be considered art if joe...
I can recieve BBC radio on my tv set via satellite here in Germany. My tv is on the ground floor and I would like to listen to it in my studio which is on the first floor. What would be the simplest...
Here are my first attempts at 'fake miniature' photo manipulation. It's quite an easy and fun technique that anyone with some experience of digital photography/Photoshop (or similar) could do....
I'm trying to find out the name of a song that has a line in it something like (not sure how accurate) "i don't know how much she means to me" or "she doesn't know how much she means to...
Do you add salt to the water when cooking rice like you do with pasta ? I'm not sure if rice is classed as a "pulse" and i was always told that cooking pulses in salted water makes them...
Apart from Bill Bryson's books and Harry Thompson's 'Penguins stopped play', can anyone suggest any other humourous travel guides or travelogues, either UK and/or worldwide? Ta Muchly.
any of you artist out there, do you use an on-line supplier who you'd recommend? been browsing around and found a couple which seem pretty good but wonder how reliable they are. some are free delivery...
Just found a site I wanted to come back to so put it in favourites but failed to click on 'add', now I can't find it again. How do I see my own browsing history please?
One tee on my course is close to a road, nets are in place but would only stop severely shanked shots from going in the road direction. I recently hit a tree trunk very hard with my tee shot and the...
With space travel becoming more and more commonplace, might it be possible to fire waste nuclear material at the sun, which is radioactive (I believe) anyway?
Last night we had another demonstration of absurdity; Alexander Armstrong tracing his ancestry back to William the conquerer! Will someone please point out to these gormless participants the simple...
I have a flight of steps in the garden which have glazed tiles on the treads which become very slippery when wet. Has anyone any ideas how I can make them safer please?
Hope I'm in the right section. Does one use a question mark when one asks a rhetorical question in print. For example - "It's exhausting, isn't it". Should there be a question mark?