25a. Innocent type almost starting a row in monastries - l?m?s?r?e? 51a. Fabric is protected by short strip of wood - ??t?s?e 46d. Aussie chum, about fifty, may be a snob - must be cobbler - c???e?r -...
19d Box perhaps a bit short - jewellery getting much bigger ?r?b?i?g
42a I swear what is transcribed here is not my actual words e?p?e?i?e ?e?e?e? (9,7) ?expletive ..........
Help needed with 24a Measure of cloth taken from the arm equal to 45 inches in England and 37 inches in Scotland E - L 26a Invofmal name for a thick-skinned, short-legged and barrel-shaped artiodactyl...
22a Is back with some tents and some food (6) *I*M*. 13d More familiar titles like ' Prison means to change to change(9) N*C*N***S. Thank you in advance
36a - Fortune's said to bring great comfort ?U?E - LUTE? Loot could be fortune but how does this relate to great comfort? 48d - Shows featuring Queen would do for keen viewer - starer? but why?
Last three: 23d In rising numbers catch fish with this (5, 3) - T - - - N - T STAKE NET? 30a Do quickly stop, take away and kill pirate (5, 3) - - O - K - F - KNOCK OFF? 44a Take rural character from...
Please may I have some help with 1d Young prince caught in glare for a bit once (4-5)
29d Some paper used to keep notes in a botched survey
(13) I have ??E?T?O???I??
With many thanks