Help with two would be appreciated please:
5d He's in line to take over soldiers after triumph s???????r
8d Outdoor garment for woman in a thousand 6 letters
Many thanks...
Just one left, help appreciated please.
12d 5 letters l?o?d Made dry broadcast.
We have 'epochs, as 15a which gives the 'o'. Not 100% sure that is correct though.
Many thanks...
Help with last 2 please: 25d 3/2 Who's reported laughter and commotion ho?/?a 28a 7 He'll love to put out play ??e?l?o Also, for 29a we have 'soft hearted' but cannot see the word association in the...
Help with a couple please?
15a Seventy filled complex, needing no explanation 4/9 ????/??i?e?t?r
19a Meddlesome acts very nearly upset aims externally 13 ??????????o?s
Many thanks in advance...
Help with three today please: 16a Slim changes in votes for footwear 9 ??i???l?s 16d Small growths in college and primary school heads 6 ??l?p? 21d Iberian flower in August blossomed after you left 5...
A little help needed please: 29a Detectives follow new clue; CIA suspect it's in cells 7/4 We have n???e?c/?c?d 4d A human stupidity inhales foul air - from this 9 letters. Again we have m?rrh?a?a but...
Sorry, we're just not seeing it today, please could someone give us a jump start: 1a 12 letters Sad to be removed from job 13d 10 letters It's screwed in tight, note - it could shatter 2d 4/6 letters...
Have made a bit of a mess today - help needed please:
2d Melodious 7 letters s?n????
18d Very easy tennis, say 7 letters p?t?a?l
14a Love, delight in 6 letters r???s?
Many thanks...
Stuck on a few from yesterday, can anyone help please?
13a Happiest situation for drunken unclothed gentleman 7 letters e???e??
5d Aim lower, having no limit 7 letters e??????
Many thanks...
Help need please, think we may have a couple wrong :-(
16d Storm trooper captures a worker 8 letters ????a?o?
12d Drug produced more in Italy, in middle of Rome 5 letters o????
Many thanks...
Having a few problems today, help appreciated please: 19a It may end in resignation over no-fees cut fiasco 4,2,7 We don't have any letters. 15a Lucrative schemes by foreign spy in amongst violent...
Not doing too well today, could anyone help please? 15d Money man's foreign rate certain to rise initially. T and then 8 blanks 19a About 120o in humans, but could be five fold in ISO 5,2,6...