1/Health-safety-row-man-dies-water-ditch-999-s ervices-stood-waited.html i totally agree when the emergency services stand by because they might graze a... 9/Bloody-siege-Calais-The-violent-new-breed-mi grants-let-stop-coming-Britain.html the french wouldnt put up with this the last time i looked france...
Oops there goes another plane. I know, and was thoroughly convinced by all your statistical arguments on a previous posting.... the safest way to travel. That should be a great comfort to the families...
Any one else lost money through Weavering Capital? As Walter Scott would say....... Oh!, what a tangled web we Weave(ring), When first we practice to deceive(ring).
i was recently mocked on ab for my inability to understand why any person should choose to fly... the old chestnuts.................safest way to travel etc. well, another glorified cigar tube has...
what a daft rule, i was in london today and needed to park to visit a client, i was a bit tight on time so parked up and the notice said 'no return within two hours', well my meeting was over in 20...
So the little french bloke doesnt want our Queen to personally represent the hundreds of thousands of UK and Commonwealth young men who died in france in WW2. The next time they surrender they can...
why are the banks getting all the stick? banks are in the business of lending money, that is how the economy works, the real cause of all the world financial turmoil is the thick, irresponsible,...
The dream....apply yourself and work hard and there is no limit to what you can achieve? With a mission alike to 'old' labours failed idea of 're-distribution of wealth' how will the entrepreneurial...
Labours last desperate throw of the dice is set to be 'lets just print some more money'. Germany did this in the 30's and Zimbabwe more recently with ludicrous results. Get ready to take a wheelbarrow...
MEPs have voted and so the first stage towards ending UK and 12 other countries opt out of the 48hour European Working Times Directive begins. Wouldnt it be nice to only work say 35 hours a week and...
How fortunate single people are that the credit crunch doesnt affect them. If soundbite brown the sub-prime minister drops the 'f' word into another sentence (family) i will scream. Now madge in her...
Oh dear, the politics of envy. I know Christmas is approaching but the overriding general rule of life is that if a person receives a larger than average salary it did not fall out of a cracker and is...
Particularly in London. For the day please join the campaign and aid road safety! When stationary at traffic lights on red, and a cyclist carries on, despite the road rules against this practice, in...