If there is somebody at work you do not like try sending them a link to www.sourpatch.org DO NOT OPEN THIS YOURSELF!!!!! It is not a virus, but PLEASE DO NOT OPEN THIS YOURSELF. Only send to the...
Hi, can anyone recommend somewhere in Glasgow (nice, but not over-the-top-pricy) to hold a wedding dinner and reception? We're open to all suggestions - hotels, restaurants, function halls etc I think...
I havent cried for almost a year, i find this very very anoying. I have had alot of things happen in 2007 & the beginning of this year that a normal person would cry over and i need the release of...
The talented singer Amy Winehouse has been recorded on video smoking crack cocaine. She was also seen snorting cocaine and admitted to taking valium to bring her down. The renowned singer is up for a...
I see that dfs are now claiming that d = discounts. f = four years' no credit. s = sale. Does this mean that when the winter sale DOES eventually end they will have to change their name to df?
I've got a reading list which has so far topped ?70 (and that's not all of them!) for ONE course at uni. I'm not that rich (or that foolish) so does anyone know of any websites where I can buy obscure...
my 5/6yr old? it is his birthday on saturday and hes not having a party.everyone says im mean and horrid. the reason im not letting him have a party is due to him saying 'im haveing a party so i will...
Does anybody think that this show is even slightly amusing? And does she just get her own show because she is: a, Female. b, Black. c, Female and Black. Discuss, because i know which option i would...
How old is too old to do the wild thing?Do you ever wonder if youre getting to that too old age for the wild thing?like the song says """ So we journeyed to her house one thing led to an other I keyed...