Hi, I was wondering if anyone has ever encountered a pet or animal which has an irrational Fear or phobia? Like scared of the dark or small insects or something. Or are phobias something only humans...
On some web pages that I go to the type is so small it is impossible to read. For example: http://www.itv.com/bingonightlive/ The type on the registration form is far too small to read. How do I make...
I undersatnd that, dogs who have failed the RNIB blind dog traing can be purchased as pets, but I have difficulty in trying to locate a contact to enquire. Can anyone help?
My father, who is in his early 70's, is thinking about buying a dog. Although he is retired, he has some voluntary commitments that take him out of the house for 4-5 hours once or twice a week,...
do they always put a horse down if it breaks it's leg? If so, why? Can't they put a huge splint on it or does it simply not work that way? I know this sounds like a joke question, but I'm curious
My dog is 75 pounds GSD (9 months). He stop walking all the time during our walk, and I had to pull, even drag him behind me. I noticed some time he stopped because he wants to sniff the bushes on the...
Hi - my cat, who we took in as a stray recently, is a fighter and is always coming home with scratches etc. He has developed a huge hard lump on the side of his face/neck bigger than a golf ball....
After the trauma of last week, I had to visit the Vet today, to have my cat's stitches taken out. She'd had a lump taken from her stomach and one of her thyroids taken out, after her first checkup,...
My dog always sleep in crate at night. His sleep was very quiet in the past. However, recently, he start barking a few minutes after we put him in (he has no problem to get in). He barked and barked,...
We have a nine year old border collie and have noticed over the last year she has developed some stifness in her back legs. It is particularly noticable after she has been for a walk then lain down...
I have just heard that my cat has cancer. It hit me very hard, and as I have had her for eighteen years, she is more of a friend than a pet. I am hoping she will live a bit longer (I find out Tues). I...
Our 2.5 year old boxer mix is getting her back leg amputated today. Her femur was shattered, and we just cannot afford to attempt to fix it. My wife and I are concerned because we love to hike and...
My son found a ferret on the road; caged it - its quite tame and gently nips. Now its produced 5 babes. We dont know much about ferrets......any tips on caring for them welcome
I have just administered the final dose of Advocate spot-on to my 4 dogs as 1 of them had sarcoptic mange, all clear now, but has anyone else used this treatment and do you know why (and I will be...
i have to leave my dog for about 3 hours, 5 days a week whilst i go to work. She is 2 and generally very good, but most days i come home to big holes in my garden. I've tried giving her toys before i...