21a Care taken in the Algarve (4), probably ?E??
22d Misprint that's relating to the shore, we're told (7), probably ??T?R?L
The last letter of 21a is the first of 22d, if it helps!...
16 a Long to go round fields close to loch that shows charm (12) I have P?E?S?N?N?S?, so from fields as leas, and loch as Ness, I deduce it to be PLEAS?N?NESS, but if long is pine, then I do not...
54ac Without cover from insurance finally, ask for money back (4) I have N?D?, and it seems to be NUDE, with E being the last letter of insurance, but do not see the fit with the rest of the clue!...
Author of several New Testament epistles ( 4) I have ?A?L As Paul was called Saul originally, I am unsure, but as he wrote the epistles once renamed, I assume Paul Any advice welcome K
Hear about a match ending prematurely in burlesque (8) I have T?A?E?T? I am leaning towrds TRAVESTY, but not clear how it exactly fits with the whole clue Any night owls out there to help? K
Thought I was going to complete unaided - but alas no! 7d Risible rage moving Italian gunmen. (11) I don't think I know this word but I know it's an anagram. B?R?A?I?E?I 46d Language spoken to...
8a Admires to a high degree (7), probably ?O?O??? 6d It could be (a) something to read (7), probably ???I?L? 6th letter of across clue & 2nd of down are in common K
Folks need help 27dn- 'strokes hares''; have d-s-e- dashes or dasher? 61dn - 'at the back of beyond, right to take advantage of Syrian sect '; e-u-e? And is 8ac surpass? clue 'on French col, eclipse...