Nomerc for giving me my new name on here but I have to post my last post on here now as knob-ed as I will be zapped tomorrow for no reason whatsoever., So I bid a fond farewell to you all in this name...
Is mightier than the penis Now correct me if I am wrong in that statement please as I can take being wrong. I don't claim to be right all the time, just most of the time.
That I have my good points and I am not as vain as dr leg on here to not know that I have my bad points as well. So I will leave it up to you in pointing out my good points on here about me and I can...
The only thing I have got to look forward to in my life now since my little duck left me is getting the air-con in my car re-gassed today so it will be icy cold in there again. Have any of you got...
Episode 13. Oh god you lot on here were right I have spent to much time on here and neglected my wife and have been blind to what is going on around me. Lippy has just come back to collect her clothes...
Now Mr ed and mr dep ed I know that knobby has been a bad boy on here sometimes and has said a few things out of order. But I have changed my ways and my wife lippy has just left me and has said there...
Has just left me and she said that she is not coming back to me. Oh god what can I do to make her come back? I am sorry but I suppose I should have put this in body and soul but I think you lot on...