My boss is quite straight laced, and as such I've had to become far less potty mouthed around him. My favourite Non-Swearing Swear words at the moment are Knickers and Nuts. Any suggestions to expand...
I'm an old user coming back online. It helped me before and I need the help now. I'm a bit lonely and need a bit of a boost. Is it wrong to ask for help from strangers? Or old friends you let down?...
once superglued a ?2.00 coin on the table outside our local was hilarious watching people try to get it off...i have never laughed so much..................
just wondering if you could help with a problem I'm having with my inflatable doll Lucy, Every time i start bouncing on her her nose starts running, What could be wrong ?
Apparently there is a new vibrator that does what women ask it to do, it has nine functions from fast to slow, but no word yet if it will take the bins out!!!!
Now who in there right minds would fish for flys apart from J.R. hartly. And another thing why is fly tipping not allowed I am sure if a fly gives you good service then you would want to tip it. Feel...
am i the only sad one or has anyone started shoppin. also me and the boys make our own christmas cards and worked out we have 72 to make do u think we should get partner thinks im crazy. do...
Yep its that time again deciding on where we are going to have our christmas beano, anyway one suggestion was to hire the local hall rather than book a expensive dinner disco, so that if you wish to...
Without having a bath or a shower. I have not had one until yesterday for six weeks and boy do I smell a lot better now. Me leg has finally started to scab over and I now have the luxury of taking it...