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Better late than never......which I was originally going to post as "fat piggy"......which is how I felt after roast chicken,roasties,honey roast parsnips,button sprouts....and cherry...
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Captin Kirk
If you sell something on ebay can you actually see it included in the results if you search for similiar items or is it visible to you only in your "MyEbay" section ?
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We all know what they are, and the singular is the same as the plural - but if there had to be another word for more than one set, what would it be? Bagpipses? Bagpii? Bagpusses????
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What is it like there? Is it worth a visit?
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I am the original dagenham dave you just ask the sportsmans bar in el arenal and they will back that up. I am dodgey dave from dagenham even though thats not my name they called me dodgy dave there...
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Whiffy was just so nice to me on a thread where folk were being very aggressive and there was a lot of aggro and name calling and i said that people should be nicer and then whiffy said id put the...
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she was just 11 weeks old.....and discovering grass for the first time! All together now ....AWWWWWW!!!!!
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i have a car on finance but am finding the payments take me to my limit each month, do i have any rights to trade the car for a cheaper one with lower payments? thanks
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So mr and mrs rooney wedding makes the headlines topping even international news, how they flew there priest across to marry them, my goodness i have seen where wayne rooney was raised and its your...
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Well, Hello!!!! :) As you'll have figured, new to this. Good though. I am hooked!!!! LOL Another ABer sorry guys!!! Me and boyfriend watching Rush Hour, me bored!!! :)
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just received a personal message, scary. ;feature=user
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I've just stood to attention for The Marseillaise, what is your national anthem?
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if you were offered the chance to live forever, would you take it, or would you be happy to live the 80 0r so years we are all given ?
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I will try this one. Its my birthday today. nonuts/yeawellwattever.jpg
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Listen, whoever you are ... ... you were horrid about me, and I fought back (Grrrr) You have been exposed by inconsistencies in your various posts. But ... (buries hatchet) ... let's say no more on...
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Right, that's it ... Low riser, bum crack jeans Tittytop ... I'm off to give Brighton a damn good thrashing. Until tomorrow guys ......... x
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Has just confirmed it the little dipstick called lung cancer was a wind up and you know we can always trust bigmamma. so back to normal again on here folks
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lung cancer
have you seen your house burn down with your child screaming banging on the window trying to get out and bieng held by the fire brigade so you cant save her? And you think im a joke? Have you ever had...
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Isnt it marvellous stuff - my taps are gleaming!!
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the point is ?

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