We are rocking (lol) to all the music channels and I am giving my man a personal private.....................................................................rendition of most of the songs lol !!! Had...
Well spare a thought for me next friday as I will be going snorkling on a reef in the carribean with the fishys and I have got one of those cheap underwater cameras to take some pics. But after that...
things would you.... 1) Take for a week on a desert island. 2) Take as items of protective clothing for a week in the North pole. 3) Have to eat if you had to live for a week solely on the food you'd...
Wellll in your opinion when are you too old ? And why? Im wondering how this will relate to you and your age. If you wanna post your age with your answer it might help for comparisons.
Well whoever it was should be shot. Good morning all, beat you to it this morning didnni bensmum and I dont know if pauls mum has been up all night or just got up.
That in russia it is nearly one ocklock (following on from earlier on why cant you say c0ck). Ok back to the QUIESTION now how comes its nearly 1 AM tomorrow in russia at the moment and its still...
Enjoy yer honeymoon and you bleeding better have got my addy of FB KNOBBY for a postcard -thats my wee hobby- or else Knobby is getting it (joking like !!) Have a dossy peachy time-pity its the rainy...
at work (hee,hee-be careful guys !).......and I warned anyone who might use the kitchen in my absence to be careful with them. Well.....which silly-billy managed to cut her fingers to...
im orf to bed its still 25 degreees here and im dog tired. will catch you manana you inbred shower of goat herding sheep screwing trailer trash chavs. btw DID THIS HELP ??????????
I just been trimming the excess nails on my fingers with my teeth, you know just peeling them to one side waiting to pull the excess of all at once as you do. Then when it come to it and I had a...
Have any of the females , or ladies should i say , on here ever been under the influence of alcohol perhaps on a hen night or ladies night out and decided to give a flash of their wares to the passing...