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Mate leg has just phoned me saying you thought i was him. I am not i am just a mere fan of yours and i do like the odd nut myself. Is that sorted now?
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are rae n kev ex leicester sound breakfast back on the radio any ware
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full stop.
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When i was in the bar earlier i went for a peee as you do after a few lagers.As i passed the ladies a rather tall woman , with a bad hair bleaching came out of the ladies.The smell that followed her...
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I like Legend and whiffey
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Just cos I'm a nosy cow :)
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Why don't men put the toilet seat back DOWN after they pee. does my *(%$?+@* head in Next time its going to get slammed on it....yes I mean ON it
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is it only men that throw fag ends down the toilet as i am male i do this but is it only us
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what time the carnival starts in Otley, W.Yorks on saturday 21st june (tommorow)!! lol random question, but anyway lol
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Well i just thought i would update you on the evenings events of last night.In preperation for the young farmers ball i sent my cousin sam to Hopes store for a bottle of vino.He returned with a nasty...
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I had a text from Icey today........doped up but alive was how she described herself!...C'mon folks-can we have at least 100 "Get Well" messages here?? Here's mine: Wishing you a VERY speedy...
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I have run out of requests to send Family Guy application on FACEBOOK! And I was sending Brian with a martini and it was well funny What am I going to do now??????? FFS????? Oh it says I can send more...
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howare you you little nut nibbler? are u out 2night or on here?
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It looks like the Ed is as good as her word. She has deleted five of my emergency usernames, leaving me with three names that are not very popular on here. Should I contact her, or leave well alone?
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wher are you sir with you funny baby talk? come makeme laugh. loser lol
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Now a lot of you have been complaining all over the place on here today about this goddam bloody cat/raco0n/squirrel orange balloon race thingy. Well I have found a way of getting rid of it for you I...
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you know all those candles people have been buying you for xmas,( how boring ) over the last 5 years and you just bung em up the loft, well i but an add in the paper to collect em free, i've had boat...
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Bet the title made ya look lol So here's a question i got asked today by someone, how come a bird is " dressed" when it has been plucked, but "undressed" when it still has all its feathers ?

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