i made my first (succesful) poached egg like the chefs make em this morning!!! boiled the water added some vinegar and stirred put the egg in and instead of seperating and going everywhere it...
Just got back from from a fab pool party. Spent most of the afternoon guzzling Pimms, giving each other wedgies and pushing each other in the pool. Ohh, I know I know, we're so grown up. Simple...
Things in profusion (well that what me spell check toled me to say) lissa simpsom and bart now are they both the best of the best And have you listen to this....
I use this site with fits and starts, not visiting for long periods and then coming back and vice versa. However, over these past few weeks of me coming back to the site I've noticed that dot.hawkes...
Rumour has it that the Mighty One is slowly destroying his own site. Apparently he has deleted so many members and imposed so many stupid rules that nobody is bothered about rejoining and new members...
the greatest living human being ? she's a true blue wonderfull woman sexy in her youth smashed the unions won the falklands back shall we all salute her now? what am i thinking of ? no one as got it...
knobby if youre dead get in touch with me from da other side . if not then get on your pc you numpty heided english streak of p?sh . imagine deliberately cutting your inner thigh , just so you could...
OK by popular request here is a pic you have all seen the outside of me now here is a chance to see the inside of me but be warned dont look at it if you are a bit squeamish but hey you have all seen...
Want to see a pic off my war wound as drissy said earlier it was really hideous I think I will take the day of work tomorrow and take nurse drissys advise today plenty of liquid anasthetic. The stards...
I would like to suggest the addition of the following sections to AnswerBank: 1 A Poetry Section (Chatterbank has been suggested to me, but think that is a bit too highbrow for there. 2 A Children's...
We should have a section on here where we can say what we think would make A B a better place then the ED could read it and take note. Also I think we should have an ED'S blog section where the Ed...
We're off to Blackpool tomorrow! If I have as much of a laugh as I did last year I'll be laughing!! lol!! & lol again!! BUT!!!!! I hope it's more exciting than this!!
How muggy is it today? Treated myself to a nice massage earlier and after lunch with the ex then went for a wander in Dorothy Perkins and it was so hot I had to leave. Is it so muggy everywhere else?...
I think I've eaten too much raw onion over the last 2 days. I made a potato salad with mayo and onion yesterday for my parents BBQ and then had a load left over so I ate it today. I feel sick!
Any one know where i can hire a hit man because my wife has been giving me grief all day nag nag nag i can't say a thing with out her giving me a ear full nag nag just two seconds a go ( you on that...