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dot.haukes stion742111.html someone has copied and pasted it as a green dot.hawkes, could you report the green id please?
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the one from Wednesday that i posted after my Peruvian Indian thread mysteriously disappeared, it's the first sign of any editorial intervention since Wednesday, and so i assume there have been some...
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not only have they managed to get mu name registered on the site, which is ridiculous unless they have used that woingdings thingy, they have copied and pasted a thread of mine that was...
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Is this a dream? No. Of course ... if this was a dream, there'd be rum. Capt Jack Sparrow But if it was your dream, what would there be ??? For me ... popcorn. Buckets and buckets of popcorn.
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too many threads here, I cant keep up,can we stick to one,as im all over the place.Is dot home yet.
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knobby its a family from basildon lmao watch it nowwwwww lanzergrotttttttyyy
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Here is a prime example of one user having two screens...two usenames....and a very bad memory!........forgetting who is who!! Question though....why?.....ffs!!!...
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name names...... the nice and genuine ones, and then you have the cruel ba$$tards, who get off on being horrible, I wonder, I think they were either a bully or they were bullied, yet, to name a...
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why in the interests of the future of this basically good and loved site is such a reprehensible person allowed to post, is not a vindictive libelous slur on gerry mcann enough! If you were to ask...
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ate all the pies
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leave me alone! i will leave you alone! Deal or no Deal
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i'll shut the door on the way out.
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I have noticed that some users seem to be quite proud to have duplicate user accounts on this site. However, my reading of the site rules was that they were not allowed, so how come you permit this to...
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dislike Led Zep?
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A British town, city, county which appears in a well known persons name for instance Tony Blackburn
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Is it possible to freeze fresh pineapple? Or rather,if i do freeze it, will it defrost into mush? We had visitors on Saturday and received two pineapples plus I already had one so no way can my...
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told me i had a slate loose, I've phoned an ambulance and put him in the recovery position, what does he expect? tut You go out of your way for some folk and get no thanks.....

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