Is there a reasonable price hotel somewhere on the rail link between the airport and the city centre & would you recommend using a travel card to get about? We are going for four nights.
I'm thinking of setting up a small business as a UK sole trader. One of my customers will be American company(USA), does anyone have any experience of this ? which software did you use ? did it... ...
We live in a Park Home, there is no option for a smart meter as the Park Owner supplies our electric. Is there a type of 'smart meter' that I can use on my supply to minitor usage ?
I live on the very edge of a tier 4 area, I’m about 200 yards from the tier 3 area where my golf club is located. Can I still play there for exercise?...
My girlfriend lived with me in my flat for a while. She used to pay me £400 per month via standing order into my old bank account towards the bills. There was no written agreement or rent book. When...
I have a piece of expensive & complicated equipment mounted on a trailer. I have to tow it from Rotterdam to Riga. I cannot cover it over easily. I am concerned that its security may be in doubt while...
Our mother is in a nursing home, she was 'granted' a slightly larger room than normal and for this 'enhanced room' my sister and I were asked if we (not mother) would agree to pay an extra £30 per...
Is it easy or even allowed to walk from the Railway Station at Trondheim in Norway to the Trondhiem Hurtigruten terminal? If so how far? If not how much in a taxi ?
Does anyone know if there is a town in the very north of Norway with has both a Railway Station as well as a Hurtigruten passenger terminal? Is has to be much further north than Trondheim.
My current lap top is goosed & old. I need a laptop for e mails often containing PDFs, word docs, spreadsheets, PowerPoint as well as all the usual business programs. I'd like a tablet but have been...
Our loft is a mess, the cement that holds the 1930's tiles in place is very dusty and drops over any thing stored up there. I'm told you can buy a glue type spray that seals it and stops it dropping....
I have a Samsung S3. Its my second as the first one packed in. On it I have downloaded no games whatsoever from Play or any other site. I keep getting bombarded with adverts for different games and...