Hi all. I have inherited approx ?60,000 which is sitting in a UK bank account. However I live in Ireland. With the exchange rate as it is, currently ?60,000 is worth about ?68,000. I am in no...
Having watched Coronation Street "trial" I was a bit confused by the following: A case taking 4 weeks to get to court The Star witness being in a realtionship with the person assaulted - it wouldnt...
My ex recently part bought me out (he still owes me ?35k) and I have noticed from a joint bank account we still have that life assurance monthly premiums are still being paid. It covers us for ?70k...
My partner has signed as Guarantor for her sons loan to buy a house. We (myself and the mother)own a property jointly, if my partner is ordered to pay the loan due to her son not being able to pay,...
Hi my car got stolen and recovered and still now with the police iv just found out that when i set up my insurance i failed to tell them about 3 points will this be a problem if i need to claim thanks...
My Father in Law has had his driving licence withdrawn due to ill health, his daughter is insured to drive the car on his insurance, is the insurance still valid?
Can anyone tell me how many months you need left on a passport to fly to the Canary Islands (playa de inglis). I have just under 4 months left on mine before it expires
14 ac all the 17s here,one of them the one with no tail? i word 8 letters p?n?h?on 24 ac conservative's got rid of rare miniatures . 1 word 4 latters t?y?
Lord Turner , chairman of the FSA admitted yesterday it failed to monitor baks properly but suggested there was government pressure to keep regulations light. This smacks of Brown knowing exactly what...