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So we see the BBC publicicing gallows running for Murdoch to me this demand like political statemnent.l as we pay for the BBC is this right?
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local crows like a fight so far this week they have taken on the local pair of buzzards and a female hen harrier.... they were also creating a fuss in sme trees nearby so my money is they had another...
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So was just wondering where everyone else was going for their summer or winter hols. We are going to Norfolk in July Wales in September Las Vegas in November/December. So are you going away or staying...
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Morning all. This isn't a question but I thought I'd share it because it was so amusing. Our cat Finlay loves catching slow-worms. He doesn't kill them, merely invites them out to play then leaves it...
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Any advise is good here! Also the she has a small curved tail that her mother had but hers was only a kink.(?)...
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I've got water coming in through the electirc light fitting in the lounge (upstairs). I have a tiled roof with a loft above. What can I do, I've put a bucket underneath and turned light off. Help...
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I cant believe it, I had a bit of a winge to boxtops, about the Swifts not arriving back in my eve's . Well at 7.00pm the first one arrived back, by 7.30 they were screeching up and down the side of...
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I heard them shrieking about in the sky this morning - lovely - a whole week earlier than in past years. This is my sign that summer is on its way!
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I would like to know if there is any financial help a friend of mine can get, due to her circumstances, which are as follows: On the 10th May 2011 my friend’s husband collapsed with a brain...
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I am going to leap to a conclusion, but I would expect most decent people would think that a father dragging his naked (yes, naked) 14 year old son through the streets as punishment for breaking a...
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Now that it's all over & the results shown, does anyone agree with me that possibly A/V lost not because people prefered FPTP but they didn't like the alternative on offer ? It is my opinion that...
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My dog picked up some fleas when visiting my ex (who now has scabby flea-ridden cats). He had a flea collar on but they still got to him. I've put a new flea collar on him and have washed him and got...
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Hi folks. A house across from ours is for sale at the moment and unoccupied. The house alarm started sounding at 8.30pm. I don't know if another neighbour has contacted the owner, but he arrived about...
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Jemisa Do you approve of using cats in entertainment? Jem...
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Just seen the first flash of lightening over John Lennon airport.
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Can anyone recommend a good company where I can buy a new rug for my lounge. My budget is £100 and would like a large rug. Any recommendations greatly appreciated....
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Policeman with legs hacked off dying, bleeding to death on the road. Would you just watch or would you try to help ? Could this ever happen in this country with the Health minister in the convoy just...
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They say that the first litter is always small, about 3-4, but two doesn't seem to be normal. It has only been about a day, and some people have told me that iit is still possible for her to have...
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I've just had an upsetting morning! I've been watching a nesting pair of blackbirds for weeks now - building the nest, the male guarding its territory etc- until this morning when I had to rescue a...

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