Good morning everyone from a rather chilly down-under - to think we were sitting on the seafront yesterday, having lunch in the sunshine, and a very yummy lunch it was, too. Well after a bit of a...
Well, as you can see from the previous post, we are starting from somewhere behind the eight-ball this morning. Without the questions, I obviously don't have the words for today, so we will have to...
Hallo again, sorry about the lateness of the clues posting, we've had a thunderstorm rolling around for the past hour or so, so I've been off the net, and with all the plugs pulled out, just in case....
Good morning everyone from a very overcast afternoon down my way - well it's the 2nd of winter so what else can you expect. One of the tricky weeks, this one - two very popular selections and two that...
Good morning everyone - here we are at the end of another month, goodness, that went quickly !! As usual, the aim will be to match our selections to the link words in this morning's Daily Telegraph,...
This is really bugging me, but at the end of series, when Jane and Rochester get married for the second time, the clip shows the whole family infront of a large red brick Georgian(?) house. I have no...
8a Flower pots with glossy finish ???s? 4d Mould a group of actors ???t 22a Wolf has run off b??? 19d Showy fine hair ???s? Thanks and Merry Christmas everyone
17 CS, 3 C of M and H S, 10,000 N of T (A), 8 P on a M C, 7 S R of F N, 8 A N of O, 9 M of the F of the R, 664 The W S, 261 F of M C (H). 42 C in a H C (I S H). Thanks for any help, I'm baffled!
Anyone out there good at ditloids? Have bought very hard quiz from work colleague, all ditloids and some fiendishly difficult! Try these as a sample: 25 PP, 7 V P of L, 8850 H of M E (M), 10 S of M...