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What kinda night have you had folks, has it been boring, good, funny or non-descript? I thought the Night-Shift was exciting !!! Bobbi...
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but why have i had a thread reported? have i upset someone?...
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Used to be great here to have a banter etc.....but just read down the first 20 posts and I don't recognize one single name. With exception to poodicat. Nothing of interest either in the posts I read....
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What tune just makes you chill out.......great for late evening.......and makes you feel good? This is what i have on at the moment...... :0)...
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the old lady next door but one saw it too.
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fall into a trance at the supermarket?
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Kid walks down the street Bumps into emptiness Kid looks at the sky Looks at his watch Decides to go home !...
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But have to gotobed now. It has been nice playing with the new named trolls on here that have formend yesterday/today/ tonight and I for one minute don't suppose that the dik ed on here will really...
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Play nicely folks theres enough room here for everyone! back later!
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Anniebody has a brother Kn0bby. Well she has kept that really quite from us all. Annie-Body (Thu 21:03 26/Nov/09) Mark as Best Answer Report This I have a Brother kn0bby,andI pray he never runs into...
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? i thought this site was fun?...
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baden,bapla,billy,bodden. Now what do they all have in common???????????? Anybody!! care to hazard a guess?...
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welcome for a lovely new user ? xx love you all...

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