Hi all I'm looking for some laptop recommendation. I need a laptop (not too expensive) that will be good for storing all my pics, surfing net and I can use to run my business (will only need word and...
Hi all I need to move ASAP but I have a really bad credit rating. My ex used to take out a lot of loans and payday loans either through my name or as me as a guarantor, and has really dropped my...
Hi all
I have a Iphone 4 and want to insure it, what place has the cheapest excess?
My bank doesnt cover it and don't want to go through provider.
So any ideas?...
Hi all,
I have some steak medallions and with it being all dark, cold and rainy today I need some ideas for some nice comfort food to make with it.
Hi all, Before I start rambling a little back history my b/f beat me up ONCE and now we are fine, got over it and happier then ever. Problem is I got mugged today and wolloped in the face (now I have...
Hi all, I as speaking to a mate last night and we was talking about another friend who suffers from depression. We want to help her as she has self harmed and attempted suicide before and scared she...
I've been trying to contact the LB of Bromley for weeks weeks with no avail to try and find out about their LHA.
Does anyone know what areas are covered by the council as inner South East London?...
I applied for a contract phone with three which they didn't accept because of my credit rating so I thought maybe I could gain their trust with a sim only contract which they accepted. I was wondering...
Hi all, Hope someone here can help as I'm at my wits end over my dog. i have a 3 year old Chocolate Lab but he has one MAJOR issue. He's so jealous. I've had him as an 8 week old pup but he does not...
Hi all,
Does anyone know the procedure of reporting benefit fraud?
If you gave the phone number of the partner of the person who is committing the fraud will they contact them?
Hi all, I know this is a really stupid question but what exactly is a courtyard garden? I'm looking to get my first property and have seen one online that I like and it says it has direct access to...