OK- I have the grid almost complete apart from the "unclueds". I think I can see where the "country" element of the theme comes in , but not the "cross". So, for the "unclueds" I have the following:...
Hello Clever People! This is my first attempt at a Spectator Crossword, and I'm pleased to have picked up Doc's mindset and completed all but one answr. Could I please ask for help with 37d (_U_S)....
Hello again, My second attempt at a Spectator Crossword and I'm loving them! I've mostly completed it on my own, but need some help now please; 20A My answer is DITHEIST, but I can't justify it- am I...
I have all the cryptic clues completed, and I have the theme. However, even with access to Brewer's I cannot find the (unclued) answers to 25A and 25D. I can find answer to 25A which works, not from...
Good day, Help with the following would be appreciated, please ! Thanks in advance ! 1(a) Promoted male only editor eclipsed (8): ?????G?? 11(a) In brief affair, my girl headed off cutting turf (12):...
I have the theme, and the answers to the unclued lights but I am struggling with: 33D: I have ?HA??U 47A: I have ??SE? Neither can I parse 46A nor 32D for which I have SOL and SELDOM. Any hints or...
help please and parsing 26a endless blood-blood flowing around rabbit tobacco 9 ?OR?O???O 19d take note about recording device 6 RE??RB reverb? 25d fantastic haydn,number one composer 8 D??N???I...
Good morning! Some curious Unclueds from Doc today. I have the unclued name, but need to solve a few normal clues before continuing. Answers/Hints for the following would be appreciated. Thanks in...
The usual convoluted Fieldfare effort! Answers appreciated to 24a Time for spy to be in captivity (7)?O?D??? and 33d Its's an energy drink? Yes and no (6) ???A?E
Good morning, Thanks to the lovely hints and answers from ProfessorMaisie, Calibax, Shoota, Helewel, I’ve made great strides. I have all the unclueds except one which I should soon get as soon as I...
Did anyone else highlight LIZST (mistaking it for LISZT) instead of TITAN in the Mahler-themed Spectator 2472: All-inclusive by Lavatch on 29 August 2020. Do we think it was deliberate misdirection?...
18 Down : Copper charges people helping barmen in Ireland. Answer : "Curates." obviously comes from symbol for copper and rates for charges. Cannot find any connection in Ireland to someone helping at...