An icon appeared on phone display after receiving music via bluetooth. After looking through the user guide cant find an exact symble, but looks similar to GPRS? Does anyone know what this relates to...
Each time I eat or drink I experience a bitter taste in my mouth. This has been happening all day. Im off to see the doctor tomorrow, just woundered if anyone else had experienced the same problem?
Can anyone recomend the portable hair straighteners on this website? I have a great set at home, and have been looking for a set I can leave at work to...
Can anyone suggest how to prolong the life of Peaches & Nectarines. I love both fruits so tend to buy them in a pack (normally about 6 or so) but it drives me mad that they seem to go...
I suffer from ingrown hair on my legs. Can anyone advise if dry body brushing will help? I exfoiliate using body gloves, and have tried a number of different scrubs, but they doesn't really seem to...
I suffer every so often with really painful stomach aches, where I have to get to a toilet ASAP. I then encounter a 15-20 min ordeal of pure agony. My stomach really hurts, I pass absolutely loads of...