First go at this xword! Scottish imagery raising trouble with a number at a restaurant -a-t-na--- Second to last in wee walks mall- Thank you for any help
Stuck on top right corner! " Seeker after universal brotherhood- the enormous work takes his time" (11) "Rush forward like an England cricketer with limited powers of assessment" ( 6-6 ) Thank you for...
Last few queries. End of Christmas linked to classic big downers s-a-s Fixer organised teachers on fly w-n- a-t Lift lagging beneath bottom of pipe. elate? Month judge set aside to evaluate missing...
I know it's still a week to go, but I would like to wish everyone on Q and P a "Very Happy Christ mas " - especially those who have helped me in the past and those who will no doubt help me in the...
19d what holiday maker may assume is a beach 6?i???? 12d store men,worried about vermim,protest 11 ??????T???? 15d picture sunbeam coming through doorway9 ????R???? 26a in charge of beasts that may be...
Finger extremists. Why should the answer be "lunatic fringe"? Also, "producing positive effect with box camera" (9) Have done well but am stuck on bottom left corner!!
Wow! have just opened post and found ?25 cheque for runnner-up in above crossword. After numerous attempts in various crosswords this is my first ever win!! ☺☺
Terrifying number of deliveries put on a van? 9 Rot, perhaps, from the best candidates 5,4 Am brain dead after a hard day at school! Thanks for any help.