It really annoys me when I hear or read about people saying that they cannot afford to eat, yet they order take-aways or take their kids to McDonalds! Yesterday I bought 3 chicken breasts, 2 carrots,...
Last week one of Mics carers said she was leaving on Tuesday. I bought a box of chocs and a card for him to give her. She came yesterday told him how pleased she was to have met him and gave him a...
I was carrying, minus the handle, a newly charged Ewbank Power Sweeper up stairs......clutching it to my chest...... My hand hit the on button and the blasted thing burst into life..... Before I could...
Ee oop, lads. Just to prove to thee all that ah does travel oop north sometimes ... During the week, we got the train to St Albans, and went to see Chantel McGregor in a place up there called...
Isn't anybody watching this? Presented by Len Goodman, it is absolutely charming and such a 'feel good' show. Dave Myers was great and Ainsley Harriott and today Fatima Whitbread. There are another 12...
... is on the way. Is it just me or does the weather map here look worryingly similar to the late lamented Hurricane Bawbag that our Scots pals had a couple of years ago?...
What are your favourite places? Mrs R and I love north Norfolk and visit as often as possible. Also Rhodes every summer, a little village called Haraki. The local people are so delightful.