help please and parsing 7a advance article following the lead of general jackson ?6 ends a 9a fleet street primarily are nosy 4 1d good friends about to restrict official exclusion immediately 40-4...
help please re theme-also 17a lustred cloth pressed by a painter ?6 ??TA?? 21a almost like Hamlet's hairs 5 TR??? tress? 22a i blend fine rum mixing one for madam 7 ??I???R 37a the gallic gentleman...
last 2-help and parsing please
7a this training programme is from france3 ??T est=is in french and is an obscure training programme?
7d letters coming in chains 5 ??S?N
help please and parsing 12a sorry for retiring american musician 7 ?R?????I??U? 40a area with points of intersection,not over range 5 ???E? 9d portion pit out,not acceptable 4 D???deal?dole?dose? 17d...
help please and parsing 9a slimy sort of jelly put on the rear of arm 5 G???? 11a linesman from pacific state cut half time back 6 T????? tahiti? 14a those thinking to ditch married folk like...
still stuck-parsing and answers please 8d changeable i recalled in the case of Blackpool?rainy or windy!11 ?A?R?N?H?N? also COTW what yahoo initially requires from typist?that's devious 6,first letter...
help please and parsing 6a enrolled nurse enthralled by some pop?6 ???E?? 10a take away a painting 8 ????R??? 20a old sailors pick up neckwear 8 ??A???E? 25a fail to keep behind a rock rabbit 6 ?A???E...
last 2-help please and parsing
3d arthur,a raleigh crew member,working in ocean temperature 6 S?A?O? seadog?
14a french novelist who became famous with with no publicity pit out 4 O?S?