Last one. Thanks for previous answers
1. Twisted chronology (3, 4, 4, words in title
Any help much appreciated.
Ayrshire Charity Quiz 32
Closing 30/4/19...
1. Title match (3, 4, 2, 3, 4 words in title)
2. Vital force beaten on a drum (3, 6, 2, 4, words in title)
Any help would be appreciated.
Ayrshire Charity Quiz 32
Closing date 30 April 2019...
1. Steve McDonald and his many girlfriends. Who was living with him 2007/8 with her "two " son's. 2. In 2002, Jack & Vera Duckworth lived once again at No.9 after a brief ownership of The Rovers...
1. Unravel at the edge, Changed shape + type of map (4 & 6 letters) 2. Incorrect spelling of vessel or handicraft (5 letters) Any help gratefully received. Twynholm SWI Quiz Closing 1st April 2019...
1. French city adds tool to become ski centre (11) Answer is Names of natural features, places or man-made objects in Europe Any help much appreciated Closing date 31st Jan 2019 Ayrshire Charity Quiz...
1. Fowl is unpleasant person (4 & 7 letters)
2. Darling with large feet (10)
Grateful for any help.
Closing date 14th Oct.
Quiz is Ayrshire Charity Quiz No.26...
1. Upside down EFLA 2. - - - - - - - - - - 3. Eight ____ a week Qué ___ Sera Any help in solving these would be much appreciated Dumfries & Galloway Canine Rescue Centre Quiz Closing Date 15th August...