My mother in law is about to face a tribunal with regards to her sacking someone by tx message, what do you think the worse likely outcome is likely to be? could she settle it by offering cash lump...
I think that us ab sport regulars should all get a Jimmy Rimmer T-shirt, there is also a Kevin Keegan one! You can all club together and get me both seeing as its my birthday today! What do you think?
i have been off sick from work for three months now and my manager has contacted me to tell me that when i do return to work i will have no hours to go back to. she says i will have to work when she...
Most people must be aware of the furore surrounding the cartoons that offended Muslims, and what many see as over-reaction by our Islamic breathren. What, I was thinking to myself, would happen if...
According to reports their is going to be Another march in london on the 18th feb by muslims in protest of i assume the caricatures of the prophet mohammed Why is their another protest, and more to...
Is is just me who is sick of hearing about Valentines day? Largely because i'm a little bitter that I'm single but everyone is going on about it and it makes me feel rubbish! What can young singletons...
I,ve just read in the paper of a school BANNING the cross on a hot cross buns, This is one of the historic traditions of the church of ENGLAND, apparently the headmistress did,nt want the children...
can you name the 66 world cup winning side in order, Then name a british boxer that has lost a world title fight, both sports have to have the same initial, ie 1st letter of the surname, only want...
Ok, imagine being almost in love with a so called psychic medium. Now, imagine coming to the conclusion (eventually) that this psychic is an out and out fake.You say one reason you liked this person...
How did you think he felt after this.? Well it made me laugh.
I saw an acquitance last week, who I haven't seen for about 6 months - the first thing he did was comment on was the fact my hair looked different, which took me a bit aback - not even my dad notices...