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Tongue :( Thats what i have! *cries* I have the doctors tomorrow morning, but just wondering if any one has any other ideas what it could be! It doesnt hurt but is really making me feel eugh because...
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Where i work we have several pregnant women working, the charity that i work for are understanding of these ladies, but my god do they milk it, we deal with people who cant look after themselves, when...
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if you lost your pet who would you pick between grissom and horatio to find it? were you good at making plasticine animals were did you buy your current frying pan green or red apples if you had to do...
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I have succesfully been accepted on the website "beautiful people" and I can't belive iT. I sent the pictures I had on myspace and was voted in. It's quite prestigious so HAHAHAHA
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It's the holidays(well for me anyway). My girlfriend's at work and won't be back until 8pm. The shopping is done,the garden is looking lovely and so I have nothing to do.Any ideas of what I can do...
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do you run to the loo straight away or do you wait until the feeling goes away and only go when you can feel like it? Also do you have a whole routine when you do a poo and take forever or do you only...
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Apparently I will die at 79! Oh well I have another 61 years left.
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Does revenge help you recover quicker? What's the worst revengue anybody has evre done? It make make us laugh! - if nothing else
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Hello all, Just a poll out off intrest, 1. Whats your favourite accent?? 2........ and least favourite accent? :-)
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Are the housemates frightened of Charley it certainly looks like it. She the most miserable argumentive ,can't make out a word she says at times.Thought most would have voted her out this week.She's...
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Can Gits ever become gentlemen and settle down?
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My girlfriend has been on AB for three years and has NEVER entered into any of the threads I post on here! She comes on here everyday(during work) and asks and answers(always sensible) questions.If I...
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Does anyone get annoyed with the way that everytime Ziggy has some sort of conflict with anyone, he always goes into the diary room and tries to explain everything in detail that has just happened, as...
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Im having trouble with my girlfriend at the moment everything i do she seems to hate me for it i do try hard but shes snappy and harsh with me im getting to the stage where i cant take it any more...
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please i need advice should i tell my friend or not cant tell anyone else about this!!
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This new woman didn't know about me, should i have told her?
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not returning any calls or texts and just ignoring you? When you've had what you thought a serious relationship which last for years?
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try entering your name and see what slogan you get
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What do you say to people on this site that have little or no sense of humour?, people who are very serious?, do you think they are like that in real life?
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Scenario: There are a group of guys at a party/bar/club, most are quite gregarious and one is a bit more shy/quieter. Would you men expect the ladies to be more attracted to the party boys or the...

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