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No-one else has asked this, so I must be looking at the clue from the wrong angle? "Dance round this in Kent". I thought it might be Maypole but I just can't get the link?!?!...
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39. Dispatched Mr Geller? (7) 41. Short horse and a bovine (7) 50. Commemoration of an argentine union (6.7.11) 52. Musically, the time for a high temperature (8.5.5) 54. When to address the Great...
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Help please with two clues 12. Coach Club (5,6) 13. Swindle vent alternative (9) Am I missing something?!? Or am I looking too deeply?!? Just can't get these two!!!...
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These are all birds Tobacco or type of carpet Pipe tobacco (Confused by this one shag seems obvious for both - help) Shiver and shake Is this honey insect out for a stroll? When searching you must do...
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I do not know if this is the correct site for my quest; but, I will have a go and see. I thought that we could do a story without an end and see where it leads us, just for fun: of course, I shall...
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Can anyone help me please. 5 letters and clue is 'stays makes pimples come up' ? T ? P ? Thanx...
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7 Bob or Dave encouraged Gerry along (6) 8 Severe Prance (12) 37 these show NEWS (9) 38 Kegs of beer after confused animal (3,7) 39 Worth a pound (9) Any help gratefully appreciated...
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Could anyone help please? The answer should be a phrase in which the two main words begin with the letter P (as in "a Puzzle for Parkinson") The clue is: Out of this world experience....
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1. sounds like it's not a forward animal in an immature state (7) 2. money idiot (8) 3. 600 rode in here (5,6) 4. perfect order, messy bed (5,3) 5. a shilling in a rodent ? (6) 6. soft relics-and...

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