Can anyone please help with the following: 27. What name connects a South African Town and a 1965 film? (7) Think it rhymes with Harling. 29. Informal social chats (4-4)/Lots of reasons for cosmetic...
1.this mean the end of one's best suit [ 4 & 5 letters] L -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- [ second word trump ?] 2.Part of a wheel that projects about a centimeter C -- -- [3] help appreciated Dee...
1)What's unique about the number 2? 2)Ditloid 4 L F 3)This was taken from an o level maths paper in 1957 ( 12 pennies = 1 shilling & 20 shillings = 1 pound) The cost of electricity used when 40...
Many thanks in advance to anyone who can help with: 44. Nigel unwinds at secluded retreat (9) 59. Not pretentious or affected (4,2,5) 63. Light chopped onion spread over (8) 82. Venus in it's...
Can anyone help with the following please? 14. Level pegging (4,3,4) 41. The end of a gaff next to the mast (6) 46. Bubbles where the river meets the sea (4,2,3,5) 65. Hairy body underneath us (anag)...
I need some answers to the above quiz please. All the answers are creatures great and small. Thanks in advance for any help. 11) Childrens clothing label (8) 16) Instrument security (4,4) 27) Phooey!...
Last five , can anyone help please? 33. i leap a circle turning over (12 ) 70. 4 strokes under par (6) 80. south dakota state nickname (6 ) 81. chesterfields chester (5,5) 94. reconstruct rainy pea...