Guardian genius 260 I want a hint on how to manipulate the down answers . E.g1d Wine winner Jonathan the cricketer losing wickets (9) Ans. champagne Crossers are C-a-p-a-e I also have the first and last... ...
Across words are composers Need to omit a,e,I,o,u,y Greetings Victoria's first walking reins right away (9) I have hvhnss Can't find the composer Also 8d second word Clue: joker in Brazil regularly... ...
THe clues don't have definitions I could answer very few Please help me . 1a Sort of woman relative,primarily - i.e not son (3,7) Is it anagram of Wrienotson? 6a somewhat daunting (4) Is it the 4 letter... ...
The instruction for modification is Select every numbered cell in order What does this mean? First Across answer is Navigate. Where should the modification happen? I can't think of any other word... ...
I can't understand this crossword I have got answers to only 5 clues Viz. 9a,4d,15d,17d,20d I know answers need to be modified before entry. But since I don't have most answers don't know how to... ...
Please help with these 16 After run-in Relate is giving support(7) 27 Lands start to wane in famines (6) 8d one for Charles Siegfried's partner on a programme (8) 5 Papers rip and run after set back... ...
I am really struggling with this one Why is there a 26a clue when there is no 26 in the grid? 5a I'm prominent figure dismissing European approach (9) I think answer is Commander. Please confirm And I... ...
7d Used up space in jar with topping of melted cheese (7) One letter is missing from wordplay Gives hints to answer cracking 44÷50 (8) F??????? Again 1 letter missing from wordplay Also there are... ...
The 2 similar unclued entries are cryptically different and must be entered thematically. These indicate treatment required in all other clues of either the answer before entry or a single word... ...
In this crossword the down clues are normal. The across solutions need to be modified I thought the across answers need to be anagrammed before entry. But not sure now as 17a is going wrong The... ...
I think I have all the answers. Though not sure of 23 a I think it's 9 letters 4,2,3 . Please confirm Also I can't figure out where to put entries which are less than number indicated in clue . Like... ...
This is a themed crossword The instructions are: A number of clues must be manipulated before further information is given in the completed grid 12a Skins body in hollow returning after time... ...
I need hints for 2 answers Rapper always out catching fish - that surprises me (4) I think it's je-- Jeez? Became excited with sparkling wine going over floor (6) I think its F---ed Also I didn't get... ...
I have completed the grid. Have the instruction using superfluous letters. But can't proceed as to which 2 words to change to give additional 12 words.
Thanks in advance...
This is a jigsaw crossword. Need to remove atleast a 2 letter word from the clue before solving. I have all answers and fit them correctly. But cannot figure out the theme. In some cases I don't know...
This is a very tough puzzle (for me) The clues are normal with single word answers. No word length provided. Also where to place answers needs to be deduced I got only 5 answers from 28 to be solved...
I have answers to only 5 of the clues. The clues are not special. And have one word answers. No hint for number of letters or where they fit in grid Below is just one of the 25 odd I couldn't get...
The *s indicate words of a poem I have almost all answers but can't figure out the *s Please help Also i need help on 16d Dictionary's * puzzle involving final letter overwhelms supporter (9)...
I have 9 of the 16 themed answers. But can't figure out which letters to eliminate or replace by a letter Also please help me solve these 1a Curmudgeon's rolled windbreak to cross cricket ground (11*)...