if he/they (are they a ruddy group or is it just that ginger idiot?) anyway if you had them/he/it doused in petrol would you strike a match? i would, what a load of b.o.l.l.o.c.k.s
One Show tonight did a feature on Shannon comparing her case with Madeleine Mc Cann's Shannon not high profile enough? A missing child is a miissing child irrespective of class creed etc, where are...
Bourne? 1/2/3? Good Shepherd? Rounders? Good Will Hunting? South Park? I'm ******ing Matt Damon cameo? The guy is such a hunk. He keeps showing up nakid in my dreams.
Many of you have kindly contributed to my former thread on suicidal thoughts. I am grateful for all the advice and support I received on that thread and I do believe the kindness of ABers has enabled...
during an arguement between 3ightballl and 4gs earlier they were arguing about 15 year olds and sexual activity. when i googled to see the legal position of this i got a link to a page saying that...
It should be light hearted and fun. If some loser says " oh dear it has all gone wrong I am going to kill myself". Let them get on with it, Let the Samaritans deal with it.
I've been at work all day - is bigmamma back and how is she? I noticed something from psychick about her thread being banned - she has surely not been thrown in dungeon already?
When I needed my first bra, how come I showed off at school about getting my first bra and made sure my bra strap was showing yet when at home it was just pure embarrassment to even tell my mum I...