Do you have any bone idle chavs where you stay?You know the sort can work wont work.Lazy good for nothings dripping in gold with shellsuits and burberry on?Would you think its a good idea to do what...
Following on from another thread.Theres talk of michael jackson performing in the uk .Perhaps at the 02 arena in london.Dpo you think they will sell family tickets?And will the hotel jackson stays in...
Are you a rascist if you call someone asian or of asian descent asian ?If someone was born in india would you be a rascist for calling them asian? just i read this...
Come on ya cowardly english turncoats ya sassenach pigs.Sing the song and celebrate the great scottish nation ya english bampots yis are. FRREEEEEEEDDOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Jim macdonald or vernon ? Old blanche or rita ? Ken barlow or jack duckworth ? Eileen or deirdre? Claire or the junkie bint in roys cafe ? Fizz or gail platt ?
Whos the best mitchell boy?Phil or grant ? Whos prettiest roxy or ronnie ? Does squeal beale get on your t!ts ? Whos funniest minty or gary? Whos the biggest slapper ?Old shirley or stacey ?
vertical blinds or net curtains ? Ever had ur hair braided ? Jelly babies or dolly mixtures ? Ever been on the london eye ? Ever been thru channel tunnel ? Whats better butter or marge ?
Im of the opinion that any woman , unless horribly disfigured for some reason , can go out of an evening.And if shes so inclined she can pick up a guy and get laid.Now some might think this sexist but...
Heres a thought crossed my mind.There are lots of murders going on everyday .Lots of folk are in the army too.And lots of folk have friends or family in the army.So has anyone on here ever killed...
time to go beddy byes.But before i go.Remember this.Lifes short , you only get one shot at it , no reruns or repeats.And youre nowv 1 day closer to dying than you were yesterday.Put today to good use...
Can these adverts get any worse?They take a perfectly good song and waste it.Then they expect you to take out a loan with them?Id rather take out a contract on the young guy with the spikey hair.And...