ok i am not the greatests advocate of the English language but i noticed a few CB'rs never ever used an apostrophe so................... A few nights ago i eased noway into the art of using them. it...
I was upset this morning when I caught a snippet of Jacqui Smith saying that they were trialling ID cards. WHY???? There is no other reason but being drunk on power and wanting utter control of...
Just got this from You Know Who, and had to share it with you. Hope the cutting and pasting works. Jayne. Ok BE HONEST...how many of us REALLY enjoy getting little "angel" hug messages from every...
My computer has gone completely loopy! I keep getting messages about "Status.msi" and other files that appear to be missing. I find that I cannot hold a programme long enough to...
Does BLOG stand for Been LOngtime Gone? The AB Editor's last blog is dated 16th January, 109 days ago. The Spare's last blog was forty-two days ago. Is there a new person in charge? Is there anyone in...
I LOVE DRUNKS ME , HAVE WE GOT ANY ON HERE? http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/ChatterBank/Que stion751355.html HAVE YOU MET A FAMOUS DRUNK. PS ARE YOU STILL UP PUDDI?